Wednesday, April 21, 2010

L.A.M.B. Ride

Since I will be in Italy on Memorial Day weekend, I will not be organizing a traditional 6-gaps ride. Instead, a group of us are planning to hit a few gaps on Saturday, May 8. There used to be an organized ride called the LAMB ride, for Lincoln, Appalachian, Middlebury and Brandon Gaps. We'll hit these gaps in a different order since we start in Rochester.

LAMB Ride. Vert is way overestimated by Topo.
Climbs are Brandon, Mid, Lincoln, App.

Last year, about half of the gap riders opted out of the last two gaps, desiring to optimize training value of the ride instead of continuing on in full death-march mode. We plan to do the same on the 8th. The goal is to stop briefly only twice for water over the 6+hour ride and maintain a brisk pace. We will not be racing against the clock.

Not sure how big the group will be yet, we have about six definites with a few maybes. I'd like to keep the group intact over Brandon Gap, paceline over to Middlebury, then pull the stops out. Regroup at the general store on the other side. Then we paceline up Rt 100 to Lincoln Gap. Regroup at summit (it's just too much fun looking at the faces cresting the top), and hopefully stick together again until we get to base of App Gap. Regroup in Waitsfield at our second and final water stop. It is 25 miles back to the cars on Rt 100 with a little blip in the middle.

This happens to be the same day as the Sterling Road Race. Brett and I wanted to get one more distance day in the legs before heading to Italy, and this weekend worked out best. If you're not doing Sterling and would like to join us, drop me an email. I'll send you the details. Don't have a start time yet, but probably in the 9-10am range. Foul weather cancels.

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