Monday, August 11, 2014

Hapha Rapha

I rode a loop on Saturday that is sure to remain on my must-do periodically list. It is a variant of the hilly portion of the 2012 Rapha NE Gentelmen's Race. Paul Lohnes and I have ridden variants of this NH portion of the original course last year, but with Paul's latest tweaks, I think the route is dialed. It runs about 77 miles with upwards of 9000ft of climbing, almost entirely on narrow gravel roads.

I don't have time for a full write-up, so I'll just share a few photos I snapped with my LX7 along the way. You can find our route on Strava. Just watch out for the aggressive country dogs and even more aggressive redneck owners out there.  Something about wrapping a bicycle around one of our heads...

Joe Range Road, beginning stair-steppy 1200ft climb.

Multiple Class 4 town roads on the route

Top of the Foundry Rd climb (tough 1000ft) just after popping out briefly on paved Strafford Rd.
Dave, Keith and Paul.

Keith cresting class 4 Turnpike Rd. Just below this was several hundred vertical feet of
soft black peanut butter loam to ride. Still smiling after pushing a monster gear all day.

Beginning descent from top of Turnpike Rd.

HJ and Dave. Don't remember which summit Paul snapped this one on.